Research Guidance
This reference library is provided to concentrate the research of the Swindon Panel Society into the signalling history of the Swindon area.
To ensure it is accurate, organised and consistent a structure has been defined:
The site is publicly accessible for viewing but only users can contribute.
New users to be approved by the administrators, so that those editing is restricted to those with the knowledge and credibility to do so.
Research output will be separated into silos, ie.
- The Panel Itself
- Interlockings
- Signals
- Stations
- Ground Frames
- etc
For each of the above categories a title page is created, with a table showing the items in that section, ie, a list of ground frames, a list of interlockings, etc, with each item linking to an article page soley about that item, ie, a Wantage GF page, a Hullavington GF page, etc.
For each heading also, a page of Research Guidance on what is expected to be included on pages on this subject.
For sources, a page to be created for each type of source, ie:
- Sources - Signalling Notices
- Sources - Locking Sketches
- Sources - Photographs
- Sources - ...
- Sources - Other Documents
With, in each, a list of our source documents.
Where possible these lists to link to uploaded copies of the originals.
This also states where we obtained the document (a numerical reference to a contributor, with an index kept offline (for privacy)).